Monday, May 11, 2009

May 2009 - Two Years and Counting.

Wow! Again, time has gotten away from me. Last time I wrote in our Blog was the end of January. Here it is MAY 2009!! We’ve been here in Las Vegas two years this month! The only time it feels like it – is when I visit this Blog and realize why I’m writing! We sure miss you all!
So, I’ll try again to fill everyone in on the happenings of the past few months. Where to start…

Might as well begin with our weather as it usually does come up somewhere. We’ve begun summer early this year with temps being in the triple digits already. The plus side, the desert as well as my yard is in full bloom! We’ve shared the view in a few photos! The downside – my fair skin doesn’t allow for much sunning! And the pollen count is high so Robert has the sneezes quite a bit this past few weeks. All in all – we can’t complain!

Wind has been a real issue a few times these past few months. While it is normal to have a daily breeze, we’ve had more then our share of gusts. One particular evening, it wreaked havoc on some of my plants. As we try to look at the positive to any situation, this time it was a trip to the garden center (I LOVE THAT PLACE!) to purchase some bigger pots! Also found a few more gnomes to grace my garden! This ….I inherited from my mother and grandmother! And to think I actually thought they were weird for having those funny little red-hatted men in their yards!

Robert’s being kept busy at the Bay (how we refer to Mandalay Bay). He’s enjoying his work in the huge Convention Center. It keeps him fit and active with the 5 – 10 mile hikes he takes around that place on a daily basis. While home (which isn’t very often – he’s back to working 6 days a week!) he can be found tinkering in the shop, pulling weeds, washing the truck, or if I can get him to sit still long enough – watching a movie!

Randall’s has been working steady at his graveyard post. He’s also kept busy with the Kingdom of Vega organization. He participated in his first “Crown War” this past spring. The event takes place in order for the Kingdom to choose a new King. Folks come from all over to attend this three-day celebration.
He packed up his equipment and camped out with the troop! He was a bit overly-excited about all of this….. upon driving up the highway out of town, I reminded him via cell phone that our knight-in-burlap with his shiny sword and silver mustang had forgotten his bed-roll and food.
Oh…..and no photos to share for this one. Apparently, his camera has an issue with staying charged for more then three minutes.

Me – springtime has found me being bit by a few bugs! The friendly kind…not them ugly, creepy things that crawl around the desert and sometimes venture into the house! Crafting! I’ve taken up the crochet and knitting needles again. After a few scarves and a pile of dishcloths, I’m ready to take on a bigger project.

And quilting! A long time gal pal has (long distance and through email) put me back in touch with playing with fabrics!
Sherri sent a beautiful wall hanging that she made especially for me! A photo is posted here but the picture doesn’t do it justice! It’s AMAZING in colors! Hand stitched all in flowers throughout! She’s titled it “Crystal’s Garden”. And it truly is a gift to be treasured!

I’m ready to try one for myself using scraps that I’ve saved for many years. For some reason, flannels have captured my attention. Time will tell what comes of this one. But I’m very excited to be back with needle and thread!

Geocaching is still calling to me occasionally! With the weather being hot again – I won’t be going out much. However, I was invited to an interesting event a few weeks ago! Some folks with our local geocaching club got together and put on a FLASH EVENT.
Very interesting time! Met some new folks, found some caches, and enjoyed being outside on the strip on a beautiful spring day! Oh…and I won the drawing for the “First To Find” geocaching coin! (You’ll have to read up on this one, as I’m still a newby at this thing and don’t fully understand it enough to explain it all.)

(I’ve posted the link below so in case you are interested, you can read first-hand exactly what was involved.)

Oh…. And there was a video of the event that made YOUTUBE. Yes, I’m in it. Link is below.

We’ve had a few visitors this past couple of months! Robert’s cousins drove in from California. They are part of the Celtic Society and came out to enjoy the gathering for the Highland Games. (If you are interested - you can read what our local newspaper had to say about this event at the link below)

As Robert had to work that weekend, we didn’t attend the games themselves but managed to share in some of the festivities that were hosted that evening down on Fremont Street! We shared a wonderful dinner with Greg and Randa and then enjoyed the marching of a hundred Pipers and Drummers from all over! The sounds and sights were amazing! We had a great time and look forward to their visiting again soon!

In April, my Uncle Colby and Aunt Mary from Nome Alaska arrived for a visit! They gave new meaning to SHORT visit! On one of their every-ten-years-or-so travels across the US, they stopped here in Las Vegas for a quick hello and hug! I did manage to capture a few photos as a reminder of their visit! It was a joy to see them…just wish it could have been longer!

Well, I’m sure that we’ve left a lot of stuff out but we’ll have to share that later! As usual, time is limited for me to write as much as I’d like! We hope that life is treating you well, you are healthy and happy, spring is arriving in your area, and that we hear from you often! Take care!